Sunday, November 6, 2011

Orphan Sunday

Today is orphan Sunday.  A day with a theme.... but if you are the orphan today - it's just another day.  Another day of wondering if anyone truly cares for you.  Another day being alone.  Another day waiting...for someone - anyone to look at you and value you.  Another day to wonder..."do I matter?"

As I write this our Jacob is waiting,  he's been told...someone wants you - they are coming.  HOPE! At last, "maybe I do matter" "maybe I am worth something".  He has hope after 11 years of rejection and abandonment.  Hope - finally.  One day (soon hopefully) that hope will pass into a blessed reality -to belong at last.

Today remember those millions of orphans that are still looking, still hoping for home, for someone to step up and say "you matter".  You matter.  Today there is a live event to be webcast (click here for the link) focused on this need - watch it.  Get involved however you can. 

We love you guys

Marshall and Lorrie


  1. Loved meeting you this weekend and hearing your story about these wonderful children. I am anxious to meet all of your kids. Take care and keep in touch!

  2. Holy smokes people - did you watch that!? It can happen in Woodland Park too!
