Every now in then, usually exactly when we need it, we get a reminder that it has all been worth it. Family, Adoption, Cancer, loss and healing. This is not an easy road we've traveled and guess what - we like you are still on the grand expedition towards home and there is still hardship. No surprise here: "In this world you will have trouble". But Jesus in his absolute fondness for us let alone his mercy makes our burden lighter by giving us gifts. Things to remember and things to look forward to.
We were on our way to San Diego a few weeks ago for a break in a busy summer. While on the plane our daughter Naomi asked mom and dad: "Did I show you this video of me and Jacob?" We replied "No we haven't Naomi can you show it to us?"
It was such a gift. We want to give it to you....
So we want you to "Take Heart" He has overcome the world.
precious, fun, sweet memories!!!