Friday, December 9, 2016

A Christmas Gift from Jesus

Every now and then Jesus sends us a gift. And as usual - its HIS birthday and he gives me a Christmas present. Jesus always blows me away with his generosity and thoughtfulness to me. Think about it - who else do you know that gives others gifts on HIS birthday? Naomi shared this with me just now - Jacob wrote down his story about his first several days of having a family. I'm not going to change it.

Let me set the scene.... Jacob has been home with us for less than a year. He's still learning English as he writes this on a computer at our table. He's likely sitting with his sister Naomi. And he's remembering his first few days with us in the Philippines. His English is not so good - but its perfect for you to hear this boy speak...its perfect for you to know something more about Jacob....


jacob wothey

jacob's story

chapter one

The Thunder

Hi. My name is Jacob. But my family change-

My name. Razel was my old name lets

talk about my story last two years

I was at Philippines. At the morning

I said to my self this could be good-

day!. I get my book to see what

should I do. I look there's nothing

and then I remember I didn't write

it. So I will find something to do . But

the rain is coming. So I will find-

something. And my friend's said

lets play monopoly. But I told them

I don't know how to play monopoly.

My friend said. I will teach you how

to play. I said to my new friend thank

so much. Then the thunder made a

big sound the rain came down. My

friend was scared of thunder I don't know

why . I ask. Why are you scared? Yes

why? I have friend a name Stan. He

goth strike by a lightning. I said

did he die? know my friend said.

After we talk mam Agnes said Raze l

get dress. I said why mam Agnes said

you will know wen you see it.

chapter two


After I get dress. Mom dole said

to me .someone is getting you !

Ho? The Wort hey. I said to my

self . Ho is wort hey? I ask . It was

Mitzi family!ho!i said. Well OK!

That's cool. i m happy that I m going

to be adopted I said that was a

Surprise! And it was lunch time and

Everyone run run and run. Because

they were hungry. I told them wash

your hands!but they didn't they gust

Ignore me they were super hungry.

I'm the only one ho wash hand

after I wash my hand's I went to the

dining room. I eat and eat . And

mom Agnes said it's a surprising

day. Yes it is. I said good if your

family is hare you will say your name

to your family. Agnes said. OK I said.

After lunch it's time for bedtime we

all ways go to bed after lunch

I don't know why?but It still raining

and then my family. I was surprise

I can't belief I got adopted that I saw

last four years. I saw Mitzi. Noah.

Joshua. Hannah. Lorie. Marshall.

chapter three


After I meet my family. we went

to the playground. And play wen

I went back. Naomi and Hannah

started to play whit me. Hannah

got her mom's camera and she

started to take a video. I was

shy Naomi and Hannah was

chasing me. I cobber my ayes

they were happy to see me

again. My parent's called me

they ask me were do you want

to celebrate your party? I said

something but I didn't know

and then my mom said

how about McDonald. Yes

I said. And they said OK.

And about two o'clock the

meeting start my family was

there. And mom nida said to me

go tell them hose your new family.

I said OK! So I did and it's time

to go to McDonald. To see what

should I have to the party .

chapter four


h my family and I went a hotel and

I love the hotel. So I went to my hotel

Room. And my brother said to me. Do

you want to go swimming? I don't know

about that josh. OK .my brother went

to the room and he show me how it;s done .

So we went to the pool at the tap of the

hotel. Joshua run to the pool and my dad

saw Joshua swimming. Will he got a talk

with my dad. After the talk. We went

back to get ready to go dinner. 

I miss him. I love him. I love the fact that he is with Jesus, very much alive and I like to think that he and Jesus conspired to give us this for Christmas.  Merry Christmas to you from the Wortheys!
