Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Broadcast from the Dark Side of the Moon

Waiting.  No word yet.  No phone call. No email. Waiting. Silence...

I am having a hard time waiting to get 'the word' and the silence that goes with it.  If any of you remember the Apollo missions there were those times when the astronauts had to orbit the moon and loose contact with earth when they were on the dark side of the moon.  Guys at mission control hear the last transmission and then...static. Static for what seems an eternity.  For me waiting for the call is like that but measured in days, weeks, perhaps months(?) not an hour.

It's frustrating too.  Our 'part' the paper work everything that we can do is done.  We have no choice but to wait.  I would almost prefer those battles with some nameless bureaucracy to move things along - you know slaying dragons that are in between me and my son.  Silence.

I'm having a hard time with it - this silence.  I wonder what Jacob is doing.  Does he know we're coming? Does he have his book?Has he got his passport? His Visa?  What the heck is going on over there????  But one thing I do know is that Jesus is here waiting with me - at least in the intellectual sense of "knowing".  But it's not any easier.  Maybe it's not supposed to be easier.  Maybe it's like waiting for a flower to bloom or waiting for Spring. Or maybe it's what the Apollo astronauts were waiting for...to emerge from the dark side of the Moon and hear the radio crackle to life..."This is Houston do you read?"


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